Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Domain Registrations:

Domain registrations have a 3 day Grace Period during which a registrar can cancel a new domain name and receive a full refund from the .au registry. If a domain is cancelled during the 3 day Grace Period, a full refund for the domain registration fee will be issued.

Cancellations must be made in writing and sent to our email or faxed to: + 61-3-9589-7951. You must include the Domain Password with the cancellation request. The domain password can be accessed from the following URL:

You can also retrieve your DOMAIN PASSWORD from your account. Go to My Domains > Domain name > EPP Code

Domain Auctions: does not provide refunds on cancelled domain auctions bids. Our terms and conditions state that once domain auctions have been invoiced, payment for the domain must be made.